
This PC program is used to provide external control of the Kingfisher KI 7010 Series Fiber Test Attenuator. As installed, it provides many useful functions. Since it is written in C using LabWindows, it is also easy for a programmer to modify, and the source code is in the download.

  • Remote sequencing and control from a PC
  • Ideal for automation of measurement sequences
  • Supports 3 sequences with varying times / increments
  • Auto-discovery of attached instrument
  • Progress indicator

System Requirements: National Instruments LabWindows / CVI Shared Runtime, Windows (tested on Windows 10) with RS232 or USB port. A USB - RS232 adaptor will be required if you cannot add an RS232 adaptor to your computer.

Alternatively, you can write your own external control commands: the command set is in the back of the instrument user manual.

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