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Visual fault locators are used during installation and repair to find faults, check continuity, verify a signal path and identify a fiber. Tests all single mode, multimode and plastic fibers.

  • Very simple to use
  • Durable IP67 rated waterproof and drop resistant construction
  • Eye-safe Class 2 laser device with 0.6 mW or -2.2 dBm typical coupled power output and <5 mW / +7 dBm total emission.
  • Uses two AAA batteries
  • Also available in convenient Test Kits.
  • 12 month warranty
p/n Style λ Emission Connector Power
KI 6351 Pen 635 nm Pulsed 2.5 mm 2xAAA 40 hrs
KI 6352 Pen 635 nm Pulsed 1.25 mm 2xAAA 40 hrs

Alternatively, we offer a visual fault finders either as a Pocket Fiber Source, conveniently integrated with an Optical Power Meter, or integrated into a test signal with a VisiTester source.

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